(1996 ott, Volume 109, Supplemento)

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Indice articoli
The italian publishing industry in the mid nineties: 0. The economic background - Giovanni Peresson Peresson Giovanni
1. Readers
2. Production
2.1 Prices
4. Turnover
4.1. Publishing for children
The success foretold of Disney Books
4.2. Paperbacks
4.3. School books
4.4. Religious publishing
Take your measure from the market
4.5. Tourism
6. Import/Export
5. Turnover according to distribution channels
The "Bela Bible", the world's most precious book
When the computer is pharmaceutical
From Cic: "The counsels of Hippocrates"
7. Home video
8. Electronic publishing
Many titles: one author
Publisher and bookseller combined
9. Book fairs and exibitions
10. Conclusion

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